Friday, January 13, 2012

A Video That All Floridians Need to Watch

If you have not yet tried to renew your drivers license in the last year or so, you are in for a REAL surprise. They now demand that you must allow them to scan your birth certificate and or passport, your social security card, and two documents which show your legal address, which will be kept on a state server, as well as ending up in the ‘cloud’ forever. For the readers who are savvy enough to register your vehicle to your po box for security reasons (if someone gets your car keys, your home address will not be on your registration so the thieves will not know where to go to rob your home), well…that is no longer accepted as proof of residency. Not to worry, because all of the information that is required in order for you to renew your license, which is exactly what someone would need to fully steal your identity, will be kept ‘safe’ by the state of Florida. This would be the same state of Florida that released the names and addresses of all concealed carry holders to the Orlando Sentinel so that they could publish them, giving all criminals the complete perfect list of who owned firearms and their addresses so that they could go ‘shopping’. It is also the same state of Florida that somehow allowed access to the same CCW files to be used illegally in order to oppose the open carry bill that was being voted on, and of course, no one was prosecuted for an intentional breach of private citizens 'safe' information.

This of course, is for your safety… as Mr Obama mocks those who want the borders secure, and stops states such as Arizona from enforcing their laws. For those of you who are interested in what is going on with this situation, click here and also here to watch.If you want to learn about Adrians radio show, you can do so by clicking here.

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